
Friday, December 2, 2011

6 How to Keep Eyes Healthy

1. Avoid memebaca in the room with dim lighting or while sleeping. It memebuat eyes tired.

2. If watching television do not get too close. Televisions emit ultraviolet light. When you watch too close, the  rays can damage the health of the eye. 

3. If the work requires that each day is always sitting at the computer, two hours once taken up briefly from the front of the computer so that the eyes are not tired.
4. When riding a motorcycle, helmet use is not exposed to the eyes of Debi and wind. 

5. Immediately give eye drops if the eyes look red, sting or itch, so the problem does not grow worse. If not improved, consult an ophthalmologist. 

6. Better control to the eye doctor at least 6 months, although no complaints. The goal, if there are abnormalities can be handled properly.

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